Source code for beaker.client

import logging
import os
from contextlib import contextmanager
from typing import Generator, Optional, Tuple, Union

import docker
import requests
from requests.adapters import HTTPAdapter
from urllib3.util.retry import Retry

from .config import Config
from .data_model import *
from .exceptions import *
from .services import *
from .version import VERSION

__all__ = ["Beaker"]


[docs]class Beaker: """ A client for interacting with `Beaker <>`_. :param config: The Beaker :class:`Config`. :param check_for_upgrades: Automatically check that beaker-py is up-to-date. You'll see a warning if it isn't. :param timeout: How many seconds to wait for the Beaker server to send data before giving up, as a float, or a (connect timeout, read timeout) tuple. :param session: Set to ``True`` or a :class:`requests.Session` instance to force the Beaker client to use a single :class:`~requests.Session` for all HTTP requests to the Beaker server for the life of the client. .. seealso:: The :meth:`session()` context manager. .. warning:: You should only set this argument for short-lived clients. If you're initializing a :class:`Beaker` client with this that's supposed to stick around indefinitely, consider using the :meth:`session()` context manager intermittently instead. :param pool_maxsize: The maximum size of the connection pool to use. If not specified, a large default value will be used based on a multiple of the number of CPUs available. :param user_agent: Override the "User-Agent" header used in requests to the Beaker server. The easiest way to initialize a Beaker client is with :meth:`.from_env()`: >>> beaker = Beaker.from_env() You can then interact with the various Beaker services through the corresponding property. For example, to manage workspaces, use :data:`Beaker.workspace`: >>> beaker.workspace.get(workspace_name).full_name 'ai2/beaker-py-testing' .. tip:: Use the right side nav to browse through the API docs for all of the different services. """ RECOVERABLE_SERVER_ERROR_CODES = (429, 500, 502, 503, 504) MAX_RETRIES = 5 BACKOFF_FACTOR = 1 BACKOFF_MAX = 120 API_VERSION = "v3" CLIENT_VERSION = VERSION logger = logging.getLogger("beaker") def __init__( self, config: Config, check_for_upgrades: bool = True, timeout: Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]] = 5.0, session: Optional[Union[bool, requests.Session]] = None, pool_maxsize: Optional[int] = None, user_agent: str = f"beaker-py v{VERSION}", ): self._config = config self._docker: Optional[docker.DockerClient] = None self._pool_maxsize = pool_maxsize or min(100, (os.cpu_count() or 16) * 6) self.user_agent = user_agent self._session: Optional[requests.Session] = ( None if not session else (session if isinstance(session, requests.Session) else self._make_session()) ) self._timeout = timeout # Initialize service clients: self._account = AccountClient(self) self._organization = OrganizationClient(self) self._workspace = WorkspaceClient(self) self._cluster = ClusterClient(self) self._node = NodeClient(self) self._dataset = DatasetClient(self) self._image = ImageClient(self) self._job = JobClient(self) self._experiment = ExperimentClient(self) self._secret = SecretClient(self) self._group = GroupClient(self) # Ensure default workspace exists. if self._config.default_workspace is not None: if self._config.default_workspace == "": raise ValueError("'default_workspace' cannot be an empty string") self.workspace.ensure(self._config.default_workspace) # Validate default org. if self._config.default_org is not None: if self._config.default_org == "": raise ValueError("'default_org' cannot be an empty string") self.organization.get(self._config.default_org) # See if there's a newer version, and if so, suggest that the user upgrades. if check_for_upgrades: self._check_for_upgrades() def __str__(self) -> str: return ( f"Beaker(" f"user='{}', " f"default_workspace='{self.config.default_workspace}', " f"default_org='{self.config.default_org}', " f"agent_address='{self.config.agent_address}'" f")" ) def _check_for_upgrades(self): global _LATEST_VERSION_CHECKED if _LATEST_VERSION_CHECKED: return import warnings import packaging.version import requests try: response = requests.get( "", timeout=1 ) if response.ok: latest_version = packaging.version.parse(response.json()["tag_name"]) _LATEST_VERSION_CHECKED = True if latest_version > packaging.version.parse(self.CLIENT_VERSION): warnings.warn( f"You're using beaker-py v{self.CLIENT_VERSION}, " f"but a newer version (v{latest_version}) is available.\n\n" f"Please upgrade with `pip install --upgrade beaker-py`.\n\n" f"You can find the release notes for v{latest_version} at " f"{latest_version}\n", UserWarning, ) except Exception: pass
[docs] @classmethod def from_env( cls, check_for_upgrades: bool = True, timeout: Optional[Union[float, Tuple[float, float]]] = 5.0, session: Optional[Union[bool, requests.Session]] = None, pool_maxsize: Optional[int] = None, user_agent: str = f"beaker-py v{VERSION}", **overrides, ) -> "Beaker": """ Initialize client from a config file and/or environment variables. :param check_for_upgrades: Automatically check that beaker-py is up-to-date. You'll see a warning if it isn't. :param timeout: How many seconds to wait for the Beaker server to send data before giving up, as a float, or a (connect timeout, read timeout) tuple. :param session: Set to ``True`` or a :class:`requests.Session` instance to force the Beaker client to use a single :class:`~requests.Session` for all HTTP requests to the Beaker server. .. seealso:: The :meth:`session()` context manager. .. warning:: You should only set this argument for short-lived clients. If you're initializing a :class:`Beaker` client with this that's supposed to stick around indefinitely, consider using the :meth:`session()` context manager intermittently instead. :param pool_maxsize: The maximum size of the connection pool to use. If not specified, a large default value will be used based on a multiple of the number of CPUs available. :param user_agent: Override the "User-Agent" header used in requests to the Beaker server. :param overrides: Fields in the :class:`Config` to override. .. note:: This will use the same config file that the `Beaker command-line client <>`_ creates and uses, which is usually located at ``$HOME/.beaker/config.yml``. If you haven't configured the command-line client, then you can alternately just set the environment variable ``BEAKER_TOKEN`` to your Beaker `user token <>`_. """ return cls( Config.from_env(**overrides), check_for_upgrades=check_for_upgrades, timeout=timeout, session=session, pool_maxsize=pool_maxsize, user_agent=user_agent, )
def _make_session(self) -> requests.Session: session = requests.Session() retries = Retry( total=self.MAX_RETRIES * 2, connect=self.MAX_RETRIES, status=self.MAX_RETRIES, backoff_factor=self.BACKOFF_FACTOR, status_forcelist=self.RECOVERABLE_SERVER_ERROR_CODES, ) session.mount("https://", HTTPAdapter(max_retries=retries, pool_maxsize=self._pool_maxsize)) return session
[docs] @contextmanager def session(self, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None) -> Generator[None, None, None]: """ A context manager that forces the Beaker client to reuse a single :class:`requests.Session` for all HTTP requests to the Beaker server. This can improve performance when calling a series of a client methods in a row. :examples: >>> with beaker.session(): ... n_images = len(beaker.workspace.images()) ... n_datasets = len(beaker.workspace.datasets()) :param session: The session to use. If not provided a default will be used. .. warning:: Only set the ``session`` argument if you really know what you're doing! Otherwise just leave this as ``None``. """ current = self._session session = session or self._make_session() try: self._session = session yield None finally: self._session = current session.close()
@property def config(self) -> Config: """ The client's :class:`Config`. """ return self._config @property def account(self) -> AccountClient: """ Manage accounts. :examples: >>> 'petew' .. tip:: See the `Accounts Overview <overview.html#accounts>`_ for a walk-through of the main methods, or check out the `Account API Docs <#account>`_ to see all of the available methods. """ return self._account @property def organization(self) -> OrganizationClient: """ Manage organizations. :examples: >>> beaker.organization.get("ai2").display_name 'AI2' .. tip:: See the `Organizations Overview <overview.html#organizations>`_ for a walk-through of the main methods, or check out the `Organization API Docs <#organization>`_ to see all of the available methods. """ return self._organization @property def workspace(self) -> WorkspaceClient: """ Manage workspaces. .. tip:: See the `Workspaces Overview <overview.html#workspaces>`_ for a walk-through of the main methods, or check out the `Workspace API Docs <#workspace>`_ to see all of the available methods. """ return self._workspace @property def cluster(self) -> ClusterClient: """ Manage clusters. :examples: >>> beaker.cluster.get(beaker_cluster_name).name 'ai2/canary' .. tip:: See the `Clusters Overview <overview.html#clusters>`_ for a walk-through of the main methods, or check out the `Cluster API Docs <#cluster>`_ to see all of the available methods. """ return self._cluster @property def node(self) -> NodeClient: """ Manage nodes. :examples: >>> beaker.node.get(beaker_node_id).limits.gpu_count 8 .. tip:: See the `Nodes Overview <overview.html#nodes>`_ for a walk-through of the main methods, or check out the `Node API Docs <#node>`_ to see all of the available methods. """ return self._node @property def dataset(self) -> DatasetClient: """ Manage datasets. .. tip:: See the `Datasets Overview <overview.html#datasets>`_ for a walk-through of the main methods, or check out the `Dataset API Docs <#dataset>`_ to see all of the available methods. """ return self._dataset @property def image(self) -> ImageClient: """ Manage images. :examples: >>> beaker.image.get("petew/hello-world").original_tag 'hello-world' .. tip:: See the `Images Overview <overview.html#images>`_ for a walk-through of the main methods, or check out the `Image API Docs <#image>`_ to see all of the available methods. """ return self._image @property def job(self) -> JobClient: """ Manage jobs. :examples: >>> running_jobs = beaker.job.list( ... beaker_on_prem_cluster_name, ... finalized=False, ... ) .. tip:: See the `Jobs Overview <overview.html#jobs>`_ for a walk-through of the main methods, or check out the `Job API Docs <#job>`_ to see all of the available methods. """ return self._job @property def experiment(self) -> ExperimentClient: """ Manage experiments. :examples: >>> logs = "".join([ ... line.decode() for line in ... beaker.experiment.logs("petew/hello-world", quiet=True) ... ]) .. tip:: See the `Experiments Overview <overview.html#experiments>`_ for a walk-through of the main methods, or check out the `Experiment API Docs <#experiment>`_ to see all of the available methods. """ return self._experiment @property def secret(self) -> SecretClient: """ Manage secrets. :examples: >>> secret = beaker.secret.write(secret_name, "foo") .. tip:: See the `Secrets Overview <overview.html#secrets>`_ for a walk-through of the main methods, or check out the `Secret API Docs <#secret>`_ to see all of the available methods. """ return self._secret @property def group(self) -> GroupClient: """ Manage groups. :examples: >>> group = .. tip:: See the `Groups Overview <overview.html#groups>`_ for a walk-through of the main methods, or check out the `Group API Docs <#group>`_ to see all of the available methods. """ return self._group @property def docker(self) -> docker.DockerClient: if self._docker is None: self._docker = docker.from_env() assert self._docker is not None return self._docker