Source code for

from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Dict, Optional, Union, cast

from docker.models.images import Image as DockerImage

from ..data_model import *
from ..exceptions import *
from .service_client import ServiceClient

    from rich.progress import TaskID

[docs]class ImageClient(ServiceClient): """ Accessed via :data:`Beaker.image <beaker.Beaker.image>`. """
[docs] def get(self, image: str) -> Image: """ Get info about an image on Beaker. :param image: The Beaker image ID or name. :raises ImageNotFound: If the image can't be found on Beaker. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ def _get(id: str) -> Image: return Image.from_json( self.request( f"images/{self.url_quote(id)}", exceptions_for_status={404: ImageNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(id))}, ).json() ) try: # Could be an ID or full name, so we try that first. return _get(image) except ImageNotFound: if "/" not in image: # Try with adding the account name. try: return _get(f"{}/{image}") except ImageNotFound: pass # Try searching the default workspace. if self.config.default_workspace is not None: matches = self.beaker.workspace.images(match=image, limit=1) if matches: return matches[0] raise
[docs] def create( self, name: str, image_tag: str, workspace: Optional[Union[Workspace, str]] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, quiet: bool = False, commit: bool = True, ) -> Image: """ Upload a Docker image to Beaker. :param name: The name to assign to the image on Beaker. :param image_tag: The tag of the local image you're uploading. :param workspace: The workspace to upload the image to. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :param description: Text description of the image. :param quiet: If ``True``, progress won't be displayed. :param commit: Whether to commit the image after successful upload. :raises ValueError: If the image name is invalid. :raises ImageConflict: If an image with the given name already exists. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ self.validate_beaker_name(name) workspace = self.resolve_workspace(workspace) # Get local Docker image object. image = cast(DockerImage, self.docker.images.get(image_tag)) # Create new image on Beaker. image_id = self.request( "images", method="POST", data=ImageSpec(,, image_tag=image_tag, description=description, ), query={"name": name}, exceptions_for_status={409: ImageConflict(name)}, ).json()["id"] # Get the repo data for the Beaker image. repo = ImageRepo.from_json( self.request(f"images/{image_id}/repository", query={"upload": True}).json() ) # Tag the local image with the new tag for the Beaker image. image.tag(repo.image_tag) # Push the image to Beaker. from ..progress import get_image_upload_progress with get_image_upload_progress(quiet) as progress: layer_id_to_task: Dict[str, "TaskID"] = {} for layer_state_data in self.docker.api.push( repo.image_tag, stream=True, decode=True, auth_config={ "username": repo.auth.user, "password": repo.auth.password, "server_address": repo.auth.server_address, }, ): if "id" not in layer_state_data or "status" not in layer_state_data: continue layer_state = DockerLayerUploadState.from_json(layer_state_data) # Get progress task ID for layer, initializing if it doesn't already exist. task_id: "TaskID" if not in layer_id_to_task: task_id = progress.add_task(, start=True, total=1) layer_id_to_task[] = task_id else: task_id = layer_id_to_task[] # Update task progress description. progress.update( task_id, description=f"{}: {layer_state.status.title()}" ) # Update task progress total and completed. if ( is not None and layer_state.progress_detail.current is not None ): progress.update( task_id,, completed=layer_state.progress_detail.current, ) elif layer_state.status in { DockerLayerUploadStatus.preparing, DockerLayerUploadStatus.waiting, }: progress.update( task_id, total=1, completed=0, ) elif layer_state.status in { DockerLayerUploadStatus.pushed, DockerLayerUploadStatus.already_exists, }: progress.update( task_id, total=1, completed=1, ) if commit: return self.commit(image_id) else: return self.get(image_id)
[docs] def commit(self, image: Union[str, Image]) -> Image: """ Commit an image. :param image: The Beaker image ID, name, or object. :raises ImageNotFound: If the image can't be found on Beaker. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ image_id = self.resolve_image(image).id return Image.from_json( self.request( f"images/{image_id}", method="PATCH", data=ImagePatch(commit=True), exceptions_for_status={404: ImageNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(image))}, ).json() )
[docs] def delete(self, image: Union[str, Image]): """ Delete an image on Beaker. :param image: The Beaker image ID, name, or object. :raises ImageNotFound: If the image can't be found on Beaker. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ image_id = self.resolve_image(image).id self.request( f"images/{self.url_quote(image_id)}", method="DELETE", exceptions_for_status={404: ImageNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(image))}, )
[docs] def rename(self, image: Union[str, Image], name: str) -> Image: """ Rename an image on Beaker. :param image: The Beaker image ID, name, or object. :param name: The new name for the image. :raises ImageNotFound: If the image can't be found on Beaker. :raises ValueError: If the image name is invalid. :raises ImageConflict: If an image with the given name already exists. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ self.validate_beaker_name(name) image_id = self.resolve_image(image).id return Image.from_json( self.request( f"images/{image_id}", method="PATCH", data=ImagePatch(name=name), exceptions_for_status={404: ImageNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(image))}, ).json() )
[docs] def pull(self, image: Union[str, Image], quiet: bool = False) -> DockerImage: """ Pull an image from Beaker. .. important:: This method returns a Docker :class:`~docker.models.images.Image`, not a Beaker :class:`~beaker.data_model.image.Image`. :param image: The Beaker image ID, name, or object. :param quiet: If ``True``, progress won't be displayed. :raises ImageNotFound: If the image can't be found on Beaker. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ image_id = self.resolve_image(image).id repo = ImageRepo.from_json(self.request(f"images/{image_id}/repository").json()) from ..progress import get_image_download_progress with get_image_download_progress(quiet) as progress: layer_id_to_task: Dict[str, "TaskID"] = {} for layer_state_data in self.docker.api.pull( repo.image_tag, stream=True, decode=True, auth_config={ "username": repo.auth.user, "password": repo.auth.password, "server_address": repo.auth.server_address, }, ): if "id" not in layer_state_data or "status" not in layer_state_data: continue if layer_state_data["status"].lower().startswith("pulling "): continue layer_state = DockerLayerDownloadState.from_json(layer_state_data) # Get progress task ID for layer, initializing if it doesn't already exist. task_id: "TaskID" if not in layer_id_to_task: task_id = progress.add_task(, start=True, total=1) layer_id_to_task[] = task_id else: task_id = layer_id_to_task[] # Update task progress description. progress.update( task_id, description=f"{}: {layer_state.status.title()}" ) # Update task progress total and completed. if ( is not None and layer_state.progress_detail.current is not None ): progress.update( task_id,, completed=layer_state.progress_detail.current, ) elif layer_state.status in { DockerLayerDownloadStatus.waiting, DockerLayerDownloadStatus.extracting, DockerLayerDownloadStatus.verifying_checksum, }: progress.update( task_id, total=1, completed=0, ) elif layer_state.status in { DockerLayerDownloadStatus.download_complete, DockerLayerDownloadStatus.pull_complete, DockerLayerDownloadStatus.already_exists, }: progress.update( task_id, total=1, completed=1, ) local_image = cast(DockerImage, self.docker.images.get(repo.image_tag)) return local_image
[docs] def url(self, image: Union[str, Image]) -> str: """ Get the URL for an image. :param image: The Beaker image ID, name, or object. :raises ImageNotFound: If the image can't be found on Beaker. """ image_id = self.resolve_image(image).id return f"{self.config.agent_address}/im/{self.url_quote(image_id)}"
def _not_found_err_msg(self, image: Union[str, Image]) -> str: image = image if isinstance(image, str) else return ( f"'{image}': Make sure you're using a valid Beaker image ID or the " f"*full* name of the image (with the account prefix, e.g. 'username/image_name')" )