Source code for

import time
from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Set, Union

from ..data_model import *
from ..exceptions import *
from .service_client import ServiceClient

    from rich.progress import Progress, TaskID

[docs]class JobClient(ServiceClient): """ Accessed via :data:`Beaker.job <beaker.Beaker.job>`. """
[docs] def get(self, job_id: str) -> Job: """ Get information about a job. :param job_id: The ID of the Beaker job. :raises JobNotFound: If the job can't be found. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ return Job.from_json( self.request( f"jobs/{job_id}", exceptions_for_status={404: JobNotFound(job_id)}, ).json() )
[docs] def list( self, cluster: Optional[Union[str, Cluster]] = None, experiment: Optional[Union[str, Experiment]] = None, finalized: bool = False, kind: Optional[JobKind] = None, node: Optional[Union[str, Node]] = None, ) -> List[Job]: """ List jobs. :param cluster: List jobs on a cluster. :param experiment: List jobs in an experiment. :param finalized: List only finalized or non-finalized jobs. :param kind: List jobs of a certain kind. :param node: List jobs on a node. .. important:: Either ``cluster``, ``experiment``, or ``node`` must be specified. If ``node`` is specified, neither ``cluster`` nor ``experiment`` can be specified. :raises ValueError: If the arguments are invalid, e.g. both ``node`` and ``cluster`` are specified. :raises ClusterNotFound: If the specified cluster doesn't exist. :raises ExperimentNotFound: If the specified experiment doesn't exist. :raises NodeNotFound: If the specified node doesn't exist. """ # Validate arguments. if node is not None: if cluster is not None: raise ValueError("You cannot specify both 'node' and 'cluster'") if experiment is not None: raise ValueError("You cannot specify both 'node' and 'experiment'") else: if cluster is None and experiment is None: raise ValueError("You must specify one of 'node', 'experiment', or 'cluster'") jobs: List[Job] = [] # Build request options. request_opts: Dict[str, Any] = {} if cluster is not None: cluster_id = ( if isinstance(cluster, Cluster) else self.beaker.cluster.get(cluster).id ) request_opts["cluster"] = cluster_id if node is not None: node_id = if isinstance(node, Node) else self.beaker.node.get(node).id request_opts["node"] = node_id if experiment is not None: exp_id = ( if isinstance(experiment, Experiment) else self.beaker.experiment.get(experiment).id ) request_opts["experiment"] = exp_id if kind is not None: request_opts["kind"] = kind.value request_opts["finalized"] = finalized # Gather jobs, page by page. while True: page = Jobs.from_json(self.request("jobs", method="GET", query=request_opts).json()) if jobs.extend( if not and not page.next_cursor: break else: request_opts["cursor"] = or page.next_cursor return jobs
[docs] def logs( self, job: Union[str, Job], quiet: bool = False, since: Optional[Union[str, datetime, timedelta]] = None, ) -> Generator[bytes, None, None]: """ Download the logs for a job. Returns a generator with the streaming bytes from the download. The generator should be exhausted, otherwise the logs downloaded will be incomplete. .. seealso:: :meth:`Beaker.experiment.logs() <ExperimentClient.logs>` .. seealso:: :meth:`follow()` :param job: The Beaker job ID or object. :param quiet: If ``True``, progress won't be displayed. :param since: Only show logs since a particular time. Could be a :class:`~datetime.datetime` object (naive datetimes will be treated as UTC), a timestamp string in the form of RFC 3339 (e.g. "2013-01-02T13:23:37Z"), or a relative time (e.g. a :class:`~datetime.timedelta` or a string like "42m"). :raises JobNotFound: If the job can't be found. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ job_id = if isinstance(job, Job) else job opts = {} if since is not None: from ..util import format_since opts["since"] = format_since(since) response = self.request( f"jobs/{job_id}/logs", method="GET", exceptions_for_status={404: JobNotFound(job_id)}, stream=True, query=opts, ) # TODO: currently beaker doesn't provide the Content-Length header, update this if they do. # content_length = response.headers.get("Content-Length") # total = int(content_length) if content_length is not None else None from ..progress import get_logs_progress with get_logs_progress(quiet) as progress: task_id = progress.add_task("Downloading:") total = 0 for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=1024): if chunk: advance = len(chunk) total += advance progress.update(task_id, total=total + 1, advance=advance) yield chunk
[docs] def metrics(self, job: Union[str, Job]) -> Optional[Dict[str, Any]]: """ Get the metrics from a job. .. seealso:: :meth:`Beaker.experiment.metrics() <ExperimentClient.metrics>` :param job: The Beaker job ID or object. :raises JobNotFound: If the job can't be found. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ job_id = if isinstance(job, Job) else job return self.request( f"jobs/{job_id}/results", method="GET", exceptions_for_status={404: JobNotFound(job_id)}, ).json()["metrics"]
[docs] def results(self, job: Union[str, Job]) -> Optional[Dataset]: """ Get the results from a job. .. seealso:: :meth:`Beaker.experiment.results() <ExperimentClient.results>` :param job: The Beaker job ID or object. :raises JobNotFound: If the job can't be found. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ job = job if isinstance(job, Job) else self.get(job) if job.result is None or job.result.beaker is None: return None else: try: return self.beaker.dataset.get(job.result.beaker) except DatasetNotFound: return None
[docs] def finalize(self, job: Union[str, Job]) -> Job: """ Finalize a job. :param job: The Beaker job ID or object. :raises JobNotFound: If the job can't be found. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ job_id = if isinstance(job, Job) else job return Job.from_json( self.request( f"jobs/{job_id}", method="PATCH", exceptions_for_status={404: JobNotFound(job_id)}, data=JobPatch(status=JobStatusUpdate(finalized=True)), ).json() )
[docs] def preempt(self, job: Union[str, Job]) -> Job: """ Preempt a job. :param job: The Beaker job ID or object. :raises JobNotFound: If the job can't be found. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ job_id = if isinstance(job, Job) else job return Job.from_json( self.request( f"jobs/{job_id}", method="PATCH", exceptions_for_status={404: JobNotFound(job_id)}, data=JobPatch( status=JobStatusUpdate( canceled=True, canceled_code=CanceledCode.user_preemption, canceled_for=f"Preempted by user '{}'", ) ), ).json() )
[docs] def stop(self, job: Union[str, Job]) -> Job: """ Stop a job. :param job: The Beaker job ID or object. :raises JobNotFound: If the job can't be found. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ job_id = if isinstance(job, Job) else job return Job.from_json( self.request( f"jobs/{job_id}", method="PATCH", exceptions_for_status={404: JobNotFound(job_id)}, data=JobPatch( status=JobStatusUpdate( canceled=True, canceled_for=f"Stopped by user '{}'" ) ), ).json() )
[docs] def wait_for( self, *jobs: Union[str, Job], timeout: Optional[float] = None, poll_interval: float = 1.0, quiet: bool = False, strict: bool = False, ) -> List[Job]: """ Wait for jobs to finalize, returning the completed jobs as a list in the same order they were given as input. .. caution:: This method is experimental and may change or be removed in future releases. .. seealso:: :meth:`as_completed()` .. seealso:: :meth:`follow()` .. seealso:: :meth:`Beaker.experiment.wait_for() <ExperimentClient.wait_for>` :param jobs: Job ID, name, or object. :param timeout: Maximum amount of time to wait for (in seconds). :param poll_interval: Time to wait between polling each job's status (in seconds). :param quiet: If ``True``, progress won't be displayed. :param strict: If ``True``, the exit code of each job will be checked, and a :class:`~beaker.exceptions.JobFailedError` will be raised for non-zero exit codes. :raises JobNotFound: If any job can't be found. :raises JobTimeoutError: If the ``timeout`` expires. :raises DuplicateJobError: If the same job is given as an argument more than once. :raises JobFailedError: If ``strict=True`` and any job finishes with a non-zero exit code. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ job_id_to_position: Dict[str, int] = {} jobs_to_wait_on: List[Job] = [] for i, job_ in enumerate(jobs): job = job_ if isinstance(job_, Job) else self.get(job_) jobs_to_wait_on.append(job) if in job_id_to_position: raise DuplicateJobError(job.display_name) job_id_to_position[] = i completed_jobs: List[Job] = list( self.as_completed( *jobs_to_wait_on, timeout=timeout, poll_interval=poll_interval, quiet=quiet, strict=strict, ) ) return sorted(completed_jobs, key=lambda job: job_id_to_position[])
[docs] def as_completed( self, *jobs: Union[str, Job], timeout: Optional[float] = None, poll_interval: float = 1.0, quiet: bool = False, strict: bool = False, ) -> Generator[Job, None, None]: """ Wait for jobs to finalize, returning an iterator that yields jobs as they complete. .. caution:: This method is experimental and may change or be removed in future releases. .. seealso:: :meth:`wait_for()` .. seealso:: :meth:`follow()` .. seealso:: :meth:`Beaker.experiment.as_completed() <ExperimentClient.as_completed>` :param jobs: Job ID, name, or object. :param timeout: Maximum amount of time to wait for (in seconds). :param poll_interval: Time to wait between polling each job's status (in seconds). :param quiet: If ``True``, progress won't be displayed. :param strict: If ``True``, the exit code of each job will be checked, and a :class:`~beaker.exceptions.JobFailedError` will be raised for non-zero exit codes. :raises JobNotFound: If any job can't be found. :raises JobTimeoutError: If the ``timeout`` expires. :raises DuplicateJobError: If the same job is given as an argument more than once. :raises JobFailedError: If ``strict=True`` and any job finishes with a non-zero exit code. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ yield from self._as_completed( *jobs, timeout=timeout, poll_interval=poll_interval, quiet=quiet, strict=strict, )
[docs] def follow( self, job: Union[str, Job], timeout: Optional[float] = None, strict: bool = False, include_timestamps: bool = True, ) -> Generator[bytes, None, Job]: """ Follow a job live, creating a generator that produces log lines (as bytes) from the job as they become available. The return value of the generator is the finalized :class:`~beaker.data_model.job.Job` object. .. seealso:: :meth:`logs()` .. seealso:: :meth:`wait_for()` .. seealso:: :meth:`as_completed()` .. seealso:: :meth:`Beaker.experiment.follow() <ExperimentClient.follow>` :param job: Job ID, name, or object. :param timeout: Maximum amount of time to follow job for (in seconds). :param strict: If ``True``, the exit code of each job will be checked, and a :class:`~beaker.exceptions.JobFailedError` will be raised for non-zero exit codes. :param include_timestamps: If ``True`` (the default) timestamps from the Beaker logs will be included in the output. :raises JobNotFound: If any job can't be found. :raises JobTimeoutError: If the ``timeout`` expires. :raises JobFailedError: If ``strict=True`` and any job finishes with a non-zero exit code. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. :examples: >>> job = beaker.experiment.latest_job(hello_world_experiment_name) >>> for line in beaker.job.follow(job): ... # Every log line from Beaker starts with an RFC 3339 UTC timestamp ... # (e.g. '2021-12-07T19:30:24.637600011Z'). If we don't want to print ... # the timestamps we can split them off like this: ... line = line[line.find(b"Z ")+2:] ... print(line.decode(errors="ignore"), end="") <BLANKLINE> Hello from Docker! This message shows that your installation appears to be working correctly. <BLANKLINE> ... """ from ..util import log_and_wait, split_timestamp if timeout is not None and timeout <= 0: raise ValueError("'timeout' must be a positive number") start = time.monotonic() last_timestamp: Optional[str] = None lines_for_timestamp: Dict[str, Set[bytes]] = defaultdict(set) def get_line_to_yield(line: bytes) -> Optional[bytes]: nonlocal last_timestamp, lines_for_timestamp timestamp = split_timestamp(line) if timestamp is not None and timestamp != last_timestamp: last_timestamp = timestamp if include_timestamps: return line else: return line[len(timestamp) + 1 :] elif timestamp is None and last_timestamp is not None: if line not in lines_for_timestamp[last_timestamp]: lines_for_timestamp[last_timestamp].add(line) return line return None def pull_logs_since(updated_job: Job, final: bool = False): retries = 0 while True: try: buffer = b"" for chunk in self.logs(updated_job, quiet=True, since=last_timestamp): lines = (buffer + chunk).splitlines(keepends=True) if chunk.endswith(b"\n"): buffer = b"" elif lines: # Last line in chunk is not a complete line. lines, buffer = lines[:-1], lines[-1] for line in lines: line_to_yield = get_line_to_yield(line) if line_to_yield is not None: yield line_to_yield if final and buffer: line_to_yield = get_line_to_yield(buffer + b"\n") if line_to_yield is not None: yield line_to_yield break except RequestException as err: if retries < self.beaker.MAX_RETRIES: log_and_wait(retries, err) retries += 1 else: raise updated_job: Job while True: updated_job = self.get( if isinstance(job, Job) else job) # Pull and yield log lines. for line in pull_logs_since(updated_job): yield line # Check status of job, finish if job is no-longer running. if updated_job.is_finalized: break # Check timeout if we're still waiting for job to complete. if timeout is not None and time.monotonic() - start >= timeout: raise JobTimeoutError( time.sleep(1.0) for line in pull_logs_since(updated_job, final=True): yield line if strict: updated_job.check() return updated_job
def _as_completed( self, *jobs: Union[str, Job], timeout: Optional[float] = None, poll_interval: float = 1.0, quiet: bool = False, strict: bool = False, _progress: Optional["Progress"] = None, ) -> Generator[Job, None, None]: if timeout is not None and timeout <= 0: raise ValueError("'timeout' must be a positive number") exp_id_to_name: Dict[str, str] = {} task_id_to_name: Dict[str, str] = {} def display_name(j: Job) -> str: if j.execution is None: return f"[i]{}[/]" else: if j.execution.experiment not in exp_id_to_name: exp = self.beaker.experiment.get(j.execution.experiment) exp_id_to_name[] = if is not None else if j.execution.task not in task_id_to_name: for task in self.beaker.experiment.tasks(j.execution.experiment): if not in task_id_to_name: task_id_to_name[] = ( if is not None else ) return ( f"[b cyan]{exp_id_to_name[j.execution.experiment]}[/] " f"\N{rightwards arrow} [i]{task_id_to_name[j.execution.task]}[/]" ) from ..progress import get_jobs_progress job_ids: List[str] = [] start = time.monotonic() owned_progress = _progress is None progress = _progress or get_jobs_progress(quiet) if owned_progress: progress.start() try: job_id_to_progress_task: Dict[str, "TaskID"] = {} for job_ in jobs: job = job_ if isinstance(job_, Job) else self.get(job_) job_ids.append( if in job_id_to_progress_task: raise DuplicateJobError( job_id_to_progress_task[] = progress.add_task(f"{display_name(job)}:") polls = 0 while True: if not job_id_to_progress_task: yield from [] return polls += 1 # Poll each experiment and update the progress line. for job_id in list(job_id_to_progress_task): task_id = job_id_to_progress_task[job_id] job = self.get(job_id) if not job.is_finalized: progress.update(task_id, total=polls + 1, advance=1) else: # Ensure job was successful if `strict==True`. if strict: job.check() progress.update( task_id, total=polls + 1, completed=polls + 1, ) progress.stop_task(task_id) del job_id_to_progress_task[job_id] yield job elapsed = time.monotonic() - start if timeout is not None and elapsed >= timeout: raise JobTimeoutError time.sleep(poll_interval) finally: if owned_progress: progress.stop()
[docs] def url(self, job: Union[str, Job]) -> str: job_id = if isinstance(job, Job) else job return f"{self.config.agent_address}/job/{self.url_quote(job_id)}"