Source code for

from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union

from ..data_model import *
from ..data_model.base import BasePage
from ..exceptions import *
from ..util import format_cursor
from .service_client import ServiceClient

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]class WorkspaceClient(ServiceClient): """ Accessed via :data:`Beaker.workspace <beaker.Beaker.workspace>`. """
[docs] def get(self, workspace: Optional[str] = None) -> Workspace: """ Get information about the workspace. :param workspace: The workspace name or ID. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ workspace = workspace or self.config.default_workspace if workspace is None: raise WorkspaceNotSet("'workspace' argument required since default workspace not set") def _get(id: str) -> Workspace: return Workspace.from_json( self.request( f"workspaces/{self.url_quote(id)}", exceptions_for_status={404: WorkspaceNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(id))}, ).json() ) try: # Could be a workspace ID, so we try that first before trying to resolve the name. return _get(workspace) except WorkspaceNotFound: try: # That didn't work, so now we'll try to resolve the name. workspace_name = self.resolve_workspace_name(workspace) return _get(workspace_name) except (ValueError, OrganizationNotSet, WorkspaceNotFound): # If the name was invalid, we'll just raise the original error. pass raise
[docs] def create( self, workspace: str, *, description: Optional[str] = None, public: Optional[bool] = None ) -> Workspace: """ Create a workspace. :param workspace: The workspace name. :param description: Text description for the workspace. :param public: If the workspace should be public. :raises ValueError: If the workspace name is invalid. :raises WorkspaceConflict: If a workspace by that name already exists. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ workspace_name = self.resolve_workspace_name(workspace) org, name = workspace_name.split("/", 1) return Workspace.from_json( self.request( "workspaces", method="POST", data=WorkspaceSpec(name=name, org=org, description=description, public=public), exceptions_for_status={ 409: WorkspaceConflict(workspace_name), }, ).json() )
[docs] def ensure(self, workspace: str) -> Workspace: """ Ensure that the given workspace exists. :param workspace: The workspace name. :raises ValueError: If the workspace name is invalid. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ try: return self.get(workspace) except WorkspaceNotFound: return self.create(workspace)
[docs] def archive(self, workspace: Union[str, Workspace]) -> Workspace: """ Archive a workspace, making it read-only. :param workspace: The workspace to archive. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ if workspace is None: # could accidentally archive default workspace if None raise TypeError("Expected 'str', got 'NoneType'") workspace_name = self.resolve_workspace(workspace).full_name return Workspace.from_json( self.request( f"workspaces/{self.url_quote(workspace_name)}", method="PATCH", data=WorkspacePatch(archive=True), exceptions_for_status={ 403: WorkspaceWriteError(workspace_name), 404: WorkspaceNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(workspace_name)), }, ).json() )
[docs] def unarchive(self, workspace: Union[str, Workspace]) -> Workspace: """ Unarchive a workspace. :param workspace: The workspace to unarchive. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ if workspace is None: # could accidentally unarchive default workspace if None raise TypeError("Expected 'str', got 'NoneType'") workspace_name = self.resolve_workspace(workspace, read_only_ok=True).full_name return Workspace.from_json( self.request( f"workspaces/{self.url_quote(workspace_name)}", method="PATCH", data=WorkspacePatch(archive=False), exceptions_for_status={ 404: WorkspaceNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(workspace_name)) }, ).json() )
[docs] def rename(self, workspace: Union[str, Workspace], name: str) -> Workspace: """ Rename a workspace. :param workspace: The workspace to rename. :param name: The new name to assign to the workspace. This should only *not* include the organization. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises ValueError: If the new name is invalid. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ self.validate_beaker_name(name) if workspace is None: # could accidentally rename default workspace if None raise TypeError("Expected 'str', got 'NoneType'") workspace_name = self.resolve_workspace(workspace).full_name return Workspace.from_json( self.request( f"workspaces/{self.url_quote(workspace_name)}", method="PATCH", data=WorkspacePatch(name=name), exceptions_for_status={ 403: WorkspaceWriteError(workspace_name), 404: WorkspaceNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(workspace_name)), 409: WorkspaceConflict(name), }, ).json() )
[docs] def move( self, *items: Union[str, Image, Dataset, Experiment], workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None, ): """ Move items into a workspace. :param items: The items to move into the workspace. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace name or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ workspace_name = self.resolve_workspace(workspace).full_name self.request( f"workspaces/{self.url_quote(workspace_name)}/transfer", method="POST", data=WorkspaceTransferSpec( ids=[item if isinstance(item, str) else for item in items] ), exceptions_for_status={ 403: WorkspaceWriteError(workspace_name), 404: WorkspaceNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(workspace_name)), }, )
def _paginated_requests( self, page_class: Type[BasePage[T]], path: str, query: Dict[str, Any], limit: Optional[int] = None, workspace_name: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Generator[T, None, None]: if limit: query["limit"] = str(limit) exceptions_for_status: Optional[Dict[int, Exception]] = ( None if workspace_name is None else {404: WorkspaceNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(workspace_name))} ) count = 0 while True: page = page_class.from_json( self.request( path, method="GET", query=query, exceptions_for_status=exceptions_for_status, ).json() ) for x in count += 1 yield x if limit is not None and count >= limit: return query["cursor"] = page.next_cursor or if not query["cursor"]: break
[docs] def iter( self, org: Optional[Union[str, Organization]] = None, *, author: Optional[Union[str, Account]] = None, match: Optional[str] = None, archived: Optional[bool] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, sort_by: WorkspaceSort = WorkspaceSort.created, descending: bool = True, cursor: int = 0, ) -> Generator[Workspace, None, None]: org = self.resolve_org(org) query: Dict[str, str] = { "org":, "field": str(sort_by), "order": "descending" if descending else "ascending", "cursor": format_cursor(cursor), } if author is not None: query["author"] = ( if isinstance(author, Account) else self.beaker.account.get(author).name ) if match is not None: query["q"] = match if archived is not None: query["archived"] = str(archived).lower() yield from self._paginated_requests(WorkspacePage, "workspaces", query, limit=limit)
[docs] def list( self, org: Optional[Union[str, Organization]] = None, *, author: Optional[Union[str, Account]] = None, match: Optional[str] = None, archived: Optional[bool] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, sort_by: WorkspaceSort = WorkspaceSort.created, descending: bool = True, cursor: int = 0, ) -> List[Workspace]: """ List workspaces belonging to an organization. :param org: The organization name or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_org <beaker.Config.default_org>` is used. :param author: Only list workspaces authored by this account. :param match: Only include workspaces matching the text. :param archived: Only include/exclude archived workspaces. :param limit: Limit the number of workspaces returned. :param sort_by: The field to sort the results by. :param descending: Order the results in descending order according to the ``sort_by`` field. :param cursor: Set the starting cursor for the query. You can use this to paginate the results. :raises OrganizationNotFound: If the organization doesn't exist. :raises OrganizationNotSet: If neither ``org`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_org <beaker.Config.default_org>` are set. :raises AccountNotFound: If the author account doesn't exist. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ return list( self.iter( org=org, author=author, match=match, archived=archived, limit=limit, sort_by=sort_by, descending=descending, cursor=cursor, ) )
[docs] def iter_images( self, workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None, *, match: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, sort_by: ImageSort = ImageSort.created, descending: bool = True, cursor: int = 0, ) -> Generator[Image, None, None]: """ Iterate over the images in a workspace. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace name or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :param match: Only include images matching the text. :param limit: Limit the number of images returned. :param sort_by: The field to sort the results by. :param descending: Order the results in descending order according to the ``sort_by`` field. :param cursor: Set the starting cursor for the query. You can use this to paginate the results. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ workspace_name = self.resolve_workspace(workspace, read_only_ok=True).full_name query: Dict[str, str] = { "field": str(sort_by), "order": "descending" if descending else "ascending", "cursor": format_cursor(cursor), } if match is not None: query["q"] = match yield from self._paginated_requests( ImagesPage, f"workspaces/{self.url_quote(workspace_name)}/images", query, limit=limit, workspace_name=workspace_name, )
[docs] def images( self, workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None, *, match: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, sort_by: ImageSort = ImageSort.created, descending: bool = True, cursor: int = 0, ) -> List[Image]: """ List the images in a workspace. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace name or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :param match: Only include images matching the text. :param limit: Limit the number of images returned. :param sort_by: The field to sort the results by. :param descending: Order the results in descending order according to the ``sort_by`` field. :param cursor: Set the starting cursor for the query. You can use this to paginate the results. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ return list( self.iter_images( workspace=workspace, match=match, limit=limit, sort_by=sort_by, descending=descending, cursor=cursor, ) )
[docs] def iter_experiments( self, workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None, *, match: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, sort_by: ExperimentSort = ExperimentSort.created, descending: bool = True, cursor: int = 0, ) -> Generator[Experiment, None, None]: """ Iterate over the experiments in a workspace. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace name or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :param match: Only include experiments matching the text. :param limit: Limit the number of experiments returned. :param sort_by: The field to sort the results by. :param descending: Order the results in descending order according to the ``sort_by`` field. :param cursor: Set the starting cursor for the query. You can use this to paginate the results. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ workspace_name = self.resolve_workspace(workspace, read_only_ok=True).full_name query: Dict[str, str] = { "field": str(sort_by), "order": "descending" if descending else "ascending", "cursor": format_cursor(cursor), } if match is not None: query["q"] = match yield from self._paginated_requests( ExperimentsPage, f"workspaces/{self.url_quote(workspace_name)}/experiments", query, limit=limit, workspace_name=workspace_name, )
[docs] def experiments( self, workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None, *, match: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, sort_by: ExperimentSort = ExperimentSort.created, descending: bool = True, cursor: int = 0, ) -> List[Experiment]: """ List the experiments in a workspace. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace name or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :param match: Only include experiments matching the text. :param limit: Limit the number of experiments returned. :param sort_by: The field to sort the results by. :param descending: Order the results in descending order according to the ``sort_by`` field. :param cursor: Set the starting cursor for the query. You can use this to paginate the results. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ return list( self.iter_experiments( workspace=workspace, match=match, limit=limit, sort_by=sort_by, descending=descending, cursor=cursor, ) )
[docs] def iter_datasets( self, workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None, *, match: Optional[str] = None, results: Optional[bool] = None, uncommitted: Optional[bool] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, sort_by: DatasetSort = DatasetSort.created, descending: bool = True, cursor: int = 0, ) -> Generator[Dataset, None, None]: """ Iterate over the datasets in a workspace. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace name, or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :param match: Only include datasets matching the text. :param results: Only include/exclude experiment result datasets. :param uncommitted: Only include/exclude uncommitted datasets. :param limit: Limit the number of datasets returned. :param sort_by: The field to sort the results by. :param descending: Order the results in descending order according to the ``sort_by`` field. :param cursor: Set the starting cursor for the query. You can use this to paginate the results. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ workspace_name = self.resolve_workspace(workspace, read_only_ok=True).full_name query: Dict[str, str] = { "field": str(sort_by), "order": "descending" if descending else "ascending", "cursor": format_cursor(cursor), } if match is not None: query["q"] = match if results is not None: query["results"] = str(results).lower() if uncommitted is not None: query["committed"] = str(not uncommitted).lower() yield from self._paginated_requests( DatasetsPage, f"workspaces/{self.url_quote(workspace_name)}/datasets", query, limit=limit, workspace_name=workspace_name, )
[docs] def datasets( self, workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None, *, match: Optional[str] = None, results: Optional[bool] = None, uncommitted: Optional[bool] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, sort_by: DatasetSort = DatasetSort.created, descending: bool = True, cursor: int = 0, ) -> List[Dataset]: """ List the datasets in a workspace. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace name, or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :param match: Only include datasets matching the text. :param results: Only include/exclude experiment result datasets. :param uncommitted: Only include/exclude uncommitted datasets. :param limit: Limit the number of datasets returned. :param sort_by: The field to sort the results by. :param descending: Order the results in descending order according to the ``sort_by`` field. :param cursor: Set the starting cursor for the query. You can use this to paginate the results. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ return list( self.iter_datasets( workspace=workspace, match=match, results=results, uncommitted=uncommitted, limit=limit, sort_by=sort_by, descending=descending, cursor=cursor, ) )
[docs] def secrets(self, workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None) -> List[Secret]: """ List secrets in a workspace. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace name, or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ workspace_name = self.resolve_workspace(workspace, read_only_ok=True).full_name return [ Secret.from_json(d) for d in self.request( f"workspaces/{self.url_quote(workspace_name)}/secrets", method="GET", exceptions_for_status={ 404: WorkspaceNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(workspace_name)) }, ).json()["data"] ]
[docs] def iter_groups( self, workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None, *, match: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, sort_by: GroupSort = GroupSort.created, descending: bool = True, cursor: int = 0, ) -> Generator[Group, None, None]: """ Iterate over groups in a workspace. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace name, or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :param match: Only include groups matching the text. :param limit: Limit the number of groups returned. :param sort_by: The field to sort the results by. :param descending: Order the results in descending order according to the ``sort_by`` field. :param cursor: Set the starting cursor for the query. You can use this to paginate the results. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ workspace_name = self.resolve_workspace(workspace, read_only_ok=True).full_name query: Dict[str, str] = { "field": str(sort_by), "order": "descending" if descending else "ascending", "cursor": format_cursor(cursor), } if match is not None: query["q"] = match yield from self._paginated_requests( GroupsPage, f"workspaces/{self.url_quote(workspace_name)}/groups", query, limit=limit, workspace_name=workspace_name, )
[docs] def groups( self, workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None, *, match: Optional[str] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, sort_by: GroupSort = GroupSort.created, descending: bool = True, cursor: int = 0, ) -> List[Group]: """ List groups in a workspace. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace name, or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :param match: Only include groups matching the text. :param limit: Limit the number of groups returned. :param sort_by: The field to sort the results by. :param descending: Order the results in descending order according to the ``sort_by`` field. :param cursor: Set the starting cursor for the query. You can use this to paginate the results. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ return list( self.iter_groups( workspace=workspace, match=match, limit=limit, sort_by=sort_by, descending=descending, cursor=cursor, ) )
[docs] def get_permissions( self, workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None ) -> WorkspacePermissions: """ Get workspace permissions. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace name, or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ workspace_name = self.resolve_workspace(workspace, read_only_ok=True).full_name return WorkspacePermissions.from_json( self.request( f"workspaces/{self.url_quote(workspace_name)}/auth", method="GET", exceptions_for_status={ 404: WorkspaceNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(workspace_name)) }, ).json() )
[docs] def grant_permissions( self, auth: Permission, *accounts: Union[str, Account], workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None, ) -> WorkspacePermissions: """ Grant workspace permissions to accounts. :param auth: The authorization level to grant (e.g. "read", "write", "all"). :param accounts: The accounts to grant permissions to. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace name, or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :raises ValueError: If ``auth`` is invalid. :raises AccountNotFound: If an account doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ if auth not in set(Permission): raise ValueError(f"Authorization '{auth}' is invalid") account_ids = [ if isinstance(account, Account) else self.beaker.account.get(account).id for account in accounts ] workspace_name = self.resolve_workspace(workspace, read_only_ok=True).full_name self.request( f"workspaces/{self.url_quote(workspace_name)}/auth", method="PATCH", data=WorkspacePermissionsPatch( authorizations={account_id: auth for account_id in account_ids} ), ) return self.get_permissions(workspace=workspace_name)
[docs] def set_visibility( self, public: bool = False, workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None ) -> WorkspacePermissions: """ Set workspace visibility to public or private. :param public: Public visibility. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace name, or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ workspace_name = self.resolve_workspace(workspace, read_only_ok=True).full_name self.request( f"workspaces/{self.url_quote(workspace_name)}/auth", method="PATCH", data=WorkspacePermissionsPatch(public=public), exceptions_for_status={404: WorkspaceNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(workspace_name))}, ) return self.get_permissions(workspace=workspace_name)
[docs] def revoke_permissions( self, *accounts: Union[str, Account], workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None ) -> WorkspacePermissions: """ Revoke workspace permissions to accounts. :param accounts: The accounts to revoke permissions for. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace name, or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :raises AccountNotFound: If an account doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ account_ids = [ if isinstance(account, Account) else self.beaker.account.get(account).id for account in accounts ] workspace_name = self.resolve_workspace(workspace, read_only_ok=True).full_name self.request( f"workspaces/{self.url_quote(workspace_name)}/auth", method="PATCH", data=WorkspacePermissionsPatch( authorizations={account_id: Permission.no_permission for account_id in account_ids} ), exceptions_for_status={404: WorkspaceNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(workspace_name))}, ) return self.get_permissions(workspace=workspace_name)
[docs] def url(self, workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None) -> str: """ Get the URL for a workspace. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace name, or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. """ workspace_name = self.resolve_workspace(workspace, read_only_ok=True).full_name return f"{self.config.agent_address}/ws/{workspace_name}"
[docs] def clear( self, workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None, *, groups: bool = True, experiments: bool = True, images: bool = True, datasets: bool = True, secrets: bool = True, older_than: Optional[datetime] = None, ) -> WorkspaceClearResult: """ Remove groups, experiments, images, datasets, and secrets from a workspace. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace name, or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :param groups: Whether to delete groups. :param experiments: Whether to delete experiments. :param images: Whether to delete images. :param datasets: Whether to delete datasets. :param secrets: Whether to delete secrets. :param older_than: Only delete objects created before this date. :raises WorkspaceNotFound: If the workspace doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ import concurrent.futures from itertools import chain def should_delete(created: Optional[datetime]) -> bool: if older_than is None or created is None: return True if any([dt.tzinfo is None for dt in (created, older_than)]): return created.replace(tzinfo=None) < older_than.replace(tzinfo=None) else: return created < older_than deletion_counts: Dict[str, int] = defaultdict(int) with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: deletion_futures = [] if groups: for group in filter(lambda x: should_delete(x.created), self.groups(workspace)): future = executor.submit(, group) deletion_futures.append(future) deletion_counts["groups_deleted"] += 1 if experiments: for experiment in filter( lambda x: should_delete(x.created), self.iter_experiments(workspace) ): future = executor.submit(self.beaker.experiment.delete, experiment) deletion_futures.append(future) deletion_counts["experiments_deleted"] += 1 if images: for image in filter( lambda x: should_delete(x.committed), self.iter_images(workspace) ): future = executor.submit(self.beaker.image.delete, image) deletion_futures.append(future) deletion_counts["images_deleted"] += 1 if datasets: for dataset in filter( lambda x: should_delete(x.created), chain( self.iter_datasets(workspace), self.iter_datasets(workspace, uncommitted=True), ), ): future = executor.submit(self.beaker.dataset.delete, dataset) deletion_futures.append(future) deletion_counts["datasets_deleted"] += 1 if secrets: for secret in filter(lambda x: should_delete(x.created), self.secrets(workspace)): future = executor.submit(self.beaker.secret.delete, secret, workspace) deletion_futures.append(future) deletion_counts["secrets_deleted"] += 1 done, _ = concurrent.futures.wait(deletion_futures) for future in done: try: future.result() except (NotFoundError, BeakerPermissionsError): pass return WorkspaceClearResult(**deletion_counts)
def _not_found_err_msg(self, workspace: str) -> str: return ( f"'{workspace}': Make sure you're using the workspace ID or *full* name " f"(with the organization prefix, e.g. 'org/workspace_name')." )