Source code for

from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Union

from ..data_model import *
from ..exceptions import *
from .service_client import ServiceClient

[docs]class ClusterClient(ServiceClient): """ Accessed via :data:`Beaker.cluster <beaker.Beaker.cluster>`. """
[docs] def get(self, cluster: str) -> Cluster: """ Get information about the cluster. :param cluster: The cluster name or ID. :raises ClusterNotFound: If the cluster doesn't exist. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ def _get(id: str) -> Cluster: return Cluster.from_json( self.request( f"clusters/{id}", exceptions_for_status={404: ClusterNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(id))}, ).json() ) try: # Could be a cluster ID, so we try that first before trying to resolve the name. return _get(cluster) except ClusterNotFound: try: cluster_name = self.resolve_cluster_name(cluster) return _get(cluster_name) except (ValueError, OrganizationNotSet, ClusterNotFound): # If the name was invalid, we'll just raise the original error. pass raise
[docs] def create( self, name: str, max_size: int = 1, preemptible: bool = False, cpus: Optional[float] = None, gpus: int = 0, gpu_type: Optional[str] = None, memory: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Cluster: """ Create a new Beaker cloud cluster. .. note:: For creating on-premise clusters you should still use the `Beaker CLI <>`_. :param name: The name to assign to the new cluster. If :data:`Config.default_org <beaker.Config.default_org>` is not set, the name should start with the name of an organization: "{organization}/{cluster_name}", e.g. "ai2/my-new-cluster". :param max_size: The maximum number of nodes the cluster can scale up to. :param preemptible: Use preemptible cloud machines for the nodes. :param cpus: The number of virtual CPU available to each node. :param gpus: The number of GPUs available to each node. :param gpu_type: The type of GPU available to each node. :param memory: The amount of memory available to each node, specified as a number with a unit suffix. E.g. "2.5GiB". :raises ValueError: If the cluster name or requested resources are invalid. :raises ClusterConflict: If a cluster by that name already exists. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ organization, cluster_name = self.resolve_cluster_name(name).split("/", 1) if not cpus and not gpus and not gpu_type and not memory: raise ValueError("Cloud clusters must specify at least 1 resource") return Cluster.from_json( self.request( f"clusters/{self.url_quote(organization)}", method="POST", data=ClusterSpec( name=cluster_name, capacity=max_size, preemptible=preemptible, spec=NodeResources( cpu_count=cpus, gpu_count=gpus, gpu_type=gpu_type, memory=memory ), ), exceptions_for_status={409: ClusterConflict(cluster_name)}, ).json() )
[docs] def update( self, cluster: Union[str, Cluster], max_size: Optional[int] = None, allow_preemptible: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> Cluster: """ Modify a cluster. :param cluster: The cluster ID, full name, or object. :param max_size: The maximum number of nodes. :param allow_preemptible: Allow or disallow preemptible jobs. :raises ClusterNotFound: If the cluster doesn't exist. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ cluster_name = self.resolve_cluster(cluster).full_name return Cluster.from_json( self.request( f"clusters/{cluster_name}", method="PATCH", data=ClusterPatch( capacity=max_size, allow_preemptible_restriction_exceptions=allow_preemptible ), exceptions_for_status={404: ClusterNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(cluster))}, ).json() )
[docs] def delete(self, cluster: Union[str, Cluster]): """ Delete a cluster. :param cluster: The cluster ID, full name, or object. :raises ClusterNotFound: If the cluster doesn't exist. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ cluster_name = self.resolve_cluster(cluster).full_name self.request( f"clusters/{cluster_name}", method="DELETE", exceptions_for_status={404: ClusterNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(cluster))}, )
[docs] def list(self, org: Optional[Union[str, Organization]] = None) -> List[Cluster]: """ List clusters under an organization. :param org: The organization name or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_org <beaker.Config.default_org>` is used. :raises OrganizationNotFound: If the organization doesn't exist. :raises OrganizationNotSet: If neither ``org`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_org <beaker.Config.default_org>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ org_id = self.resolve_org(org).id return [ Cluster.from_json(d) for d in self.request( f"clusters/{org_id}", method="GET", exceptions_for_status={404: OrganizationNotFound(org_id)}, ).json()["data"] ]
[docs] def nodes(self, cluster: Union[str, Cluster]) -> List[Node]: """ List the nodes in a cluster. :param cluster: The cluster ID, full name, or object. :raises ClusterNotFound: If the cluster doesn't exist. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ cluster_name = self.resolve_cluster(cluster).full_name return [ Node.from_json(d) for d in self.request( f"clusters/{cluster_name}/nodes", method="GET", exceptions_for_status={404: ClusterNotFound(self._not_found_err_msg(cluster))}, ).json()["data"] ]
[docs] def utilization(self, cluster: Union[str, Cluster]) -> ClusterUtilization: """ Get current utilization stats for each node in a cluster. :param cluster: The cluster ID, full name, or object. :raises ClusterNotFound: If the cluster doesn't exist. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ cluster = self.resolve_cluster(cluster) nodes = self.nodes(cluster) running_jobs = 0 queued_jobs = 0 running_preemptible_jobs = 0 jobs: List[Job] = [] node_to_util: Dict[str, Dict[str, Union[int, float]]] = { { "running_jobs": 0, "running_preemptible_jobs": 0, "gpus_used": 0, "cpus_used": 0.0, } for node in nodes } for job in self.beaker.job.list(cluster=cluster, finalized=False): if job.is_running: if job.node not in node_to_util: continue running_jobs += 1 if job.is_preemptible: running_preemptible_jobs += 1 elif job.is_queued: queued_jobs += 1 jobs.append(job) if job.node is not None: if job.node not in node_to_util: continue # unlikely node_util = node_to_util[job.node] node_util["running_jobs"] += 1 if job.is_preemptible: node_util["running_preemptible_jobs"] += 1 if job.limits is not None: if job.limits.gpus is not None: node_util["gpus_used"] += len(job.limits.gpus) if job.limits.cpu_count is not None: node_util["cpus_used"] += job.limits.cpu_count node_utilizations = [] for node in nodes: node_util = node_to_util[] gpu_count = node.limits.gpu_count gpus_used = None if gpu_count is None else int(min(gpu_count, node_util["gpus_used"])) gpus_free = ( None if gpu_count is None else int(max(0, gpu_count - node_util["gpus_used"])) ) cpu_count = node.limits.cpu_count cpus_used = None if cpu_count is None else int(min(cpu_count, node_util["cpus_used"])) cpus_free = ( None if cpu_count is None else int(max(0, cpu_count - node_util["cpus_used"])) ) node_utilizations.append( NodeUtilization(, hostname=node.hostname, limits=node.limits, running_jobs=int(node_util["running_jobs"]), running_preemptible_jobs=int(node_util["running_preemptible_jobs"]), used=NodeResources( gpu_count=gpus_used, cpu_count=cpus_used, gpu_type=node.limits.gpu_type, ), free=NodeResources( gpu_count=gpus_free, cpu_count=cpus_free, gpu_type=node.limits.gpu_type, ), cordoned=node.cordoned is not None, ) ) return ClusterUtilization( cluster=cluster, running_jobs=running_jobs, queued_jobs=queued_jobs, running_preemptible_jobs=running_preemptible_jobs, nodes=tuple(node_utilizations), jobs=tuple(jobs), )
[docs] def filter_available( self, resources: TaskResources, *clusters: Union[str, Cluster] ) -> List[ClusterUtilization]: """ Filter out clusters that don't have enough available resources, returning a list of :class:`ClusterUtilization <beaker.data_model.cluster.ClusterUtilization>` for each cluster that has sufficient resources. This can be used, for example, to automatically find an on-premise cluster with enough free resources to run a particular task. .. caution:: This method is experimental and may change or be removed in future releases. :param resources: The requested resources. :param clusters: Clusters to inspect and filter. :raises ClusterNotFound: If one of the clusters doesn't exist. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ def node_is_compat(node_shape: NodeResources) -> bool: if resources.gpu_count and ( node_shape.gpu_count is None or node_shape.gpu_count < resources.gpu_count ): return False if resources.cpu_count and ( node_shape.cpu_count is None or node_shape.cpu_count < resources.cpu_count ): return False # TODO: check memory too return True def cluster_is_available(cluster_: Union[str, Cluster]) -> Optional[ClusterUtilization]: cluster: Cluster = self.resolve_cluster(cluster_) if cluster.node_shape is not None and not node_is_compat(cluster.node_shape): return None cluster_utilization = self.utilization(cluster) if cluster.autoscale and len(cluster_utilization.nodes) < cluster.capacity: available.append(cluster_utilization) else: for node_util in cluster_utilization.nodes: if not node_util.cordoned and node_is_compat( return cluster_utilization return None available: List[ClusterUtilization] = [] import concurrent.futures with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor() as executor: futures = [] for cluster_ in clusters: futures.append(executor.submit(cluster_is_available, cluster_)) for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(futures): cluster_util = future.result() if cluster_util is not None: available.append(cluster_util) return sorted(available, key=lambda util: (util.queued_jobs, util.running_jobs))
[docs] def url(self, cluster: Union[str, Cluster]) -> str: """ Get the URL for a cluster. :param cluster: The cluster ID, full name, or object. :raises ClusterNotFound: If the cluster doesn't exist. """ cluster_name = self.resolve_cluster(cluster).full_name return f"{self.config.agent_address}/cl/{cluster_name}/details"
[docs] def preempt_jobs( self, cluster: Union[str, Cluster], ignore_failures: bool = False ) -> List[Job]: """ Preempt all preemptible jobs on the cluster. :param cluster: The cluster ID, full name, or object. :param ignore_failures: If ``True``, any jobs that fail to preempt will be ignored. :raises ClusterNotFound: If the cluster doesn't exist. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ cluster = self.resolve_cluster(cluster) nodes = set( for n in self.nodes(cluster)) current_jobs = self.beaker.job.list(cluster=cluster, finalized=False) preempted_jobs = [] for job in current_jobs: if job.node not in nodes: continue if job.execution is None: continue if job.status.current not in {CurrentJobStatus.running, CurrentJobStatus.idle}: continue if job.execution.spec.context.priority != Priority.preemptible: continue try: preempted_jobs.append(self.beaker.job.preempt(job)) except BeakerPermissionsError: if ignore_failures: self.logger.warning( "Failed to preempt job '%s': insufficient permissions", ) else: raise return preempted_jobs
def _not_found_err_msg(self, cluster: Union[str, Cluster]) -> str: cluster = cluster if isinstance(cluster, str) else return ( f"'{cluster}': Make sure you're using a valid ID or *full* name of the cluster " f"(with the organization prefix, e.g. 'org/cluster_name')" )