Source code for

from typing import Optional, Union

from ..data_model import *
from ..exceptions import *
from .service_client import ServiceClient

[docs]class SecretClient(ServiceClient): """ Accessed via :data:`Beaker.secret <beaker.Beaker.secret>`. """
[docs] def get(self, secret: str, workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None) -> Secret: """ Get metadata about a secret. :param secret: The name of the secret. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace ID, full name, or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :raises SecretNotFound: If the secret doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ workspace = self.resolve_workspace(workspace, read_only_ok=True) return Secret.from_json( self.request( f"workspaces/{}/secrets/{self.url_quote(secret)}", method="GET", exceptions_for_status={404: SecretNotFound(secret)}, ).json() )
[docs] def read( self, secret: Union[str, Secret], workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None ) -> str: """ Read the value of a secret. :param secret: The secret name or object. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace ID, full name, or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :raises SecretNotFound: If the secret doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ workspace = self.resolve_workspace(workspace, read_only_ok=True) name = if isinstance(secret, Secret) else secret return self.request( f"workspaces/{}/secrets/{self.url_quote(name)}/value", method="GET", ).content.decode()
[docs] def write( self, name: str, value: str, workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None ) -> Secret: """ Write a new secret or update an existing one. :param name: The name of the secret. :param value: The value to write to the secret. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace ID, full name, or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ workspace = self.resolve_workspace(workspace) return Secret.from_json( self.request( f"workspaces/{}/secrets/{self.url_quote(name)}/value", method="PUT", data=value.encode(), ).json() )
[docs] def delete(self, secret: Union[str, Secret], workspace: Optional[Union[str, Workspace]] = None): """ Permanently delete a secret. :param secret: The secret name or object. :param workspace: The Beaker workspace ID, full name, or object. If not specified, :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` is used. :raises SecretNotFound: If the secret doesn't exist. :raises WorkspaceNotSet: If neither ``workspace`` nor :data:`Beaker.config.default_workspace <beaker.Config.default_workspace>` are set. :raises BeakerError: Any other :class:`~beaker.exceptions.BeakerError` type that can occur. :raises RequestException: Any other exception that can occur when contacting the Beaker server. """ workspace = self.resolve_workspace(workspace) name = if isinstance(secret, Secret) else secret return self.request( f"workspaces/{}/secrets/{self.url_quote(name)}", method="DELETE", exceptions_for_status={404: SecretNotFound(secret)}, )